A Disposable Gospel

We live in an age of spiritual apathy where we have dulled our yearning for the divine. We've become spiritually anorexic with an appetite for anything but God. But like anorexia, our spiritual souls are dying without the Sustenance we need. It's not inconsequential that Jesus called Himself the Bread of Life. But in a throwaway culture we quickly grow impatient for the next loaf and judge the mere idea of Bread as moldy and stale without ever tasting and savoring. We're fearful of the ache of yearning without being satisfied. So we try this relationship or that, this material thing or that, this philosophy or that, and this therapy or that. But that's like having butter, jam, a loaf pan, an oven, while never having the Bread itself. We learn sooner than later to jettison altogether the accoutrements of baking and in the process, the Bread Himself.